Chakras are part of an ancient and complex energy system that originated in India. It is only recently becoming more well known in popular culture as we learn to merge an understanding of energy health into our overall well-being.
Chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel” and refers to energy points in the body. Think of them as spinning wheels of energy that should stay open and aligned because they also correspond to nerve bundles, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeing.
There are seven major chakras. Each has a name, color, and specific location along the spine from the base of the spine to the crown of your head. A short definition of each is provided below along with a gemstone that aligns to it and an example of an affirmation statement.
If you would like more information, speak with your massage therapist.
Root Chakra: The Tribal Chakra; your family message. Also, your sense of security and ties to the material world.
Tiger’s Eye: Focuses energy to meet challenges and encourages optimism and discipline. It also helps shed light on the practical steps needed to achieve goals.
Affirmation: “I recognize the Abundance of Love, Trust and Care surrounding me.”
Sacral Chakra: The Self Chakra; where you separate out of tribal thoughts into your own BE-ing.
Citrine: Helps support and develop emotional maturity, particularly for those who are experiencing periods of instability in their emotional lives.
Affirmation: “Who I Am is good enough and Life is unfolding as it should.”
Solar Plexus Chakra: The Balancing Chakra between this physical world and the “I Am” or Divine.
Malachite: Helps link the Solar Plexus to the Heart to promote compassion needed to ensure that personal power does not become misplaced. This stone helps you to remember dreams and meditate.
Affirmation: “I determine to treat my Self with honor and respect.”
Heart Chakra: Concerned with unconditional forgiveness and compassion, which allows us to accept another for doing their best. This Chakra also moves out of the physical world into the Air world and Above.
Rose Quartz: Helps comfort anyone suffering from emotional wounds. It prompts the development of Self-love through which one can learn to love others unconditionally. It helps you be more receptive to the joys in all forms of creative endeavors.
Affirmation: “All past hurt I release to the hands of Love. I feel Love for myself and others around me.”
Throat Chakra: Has to do with hearing and speech. Active listening is often neglected today and, therefore, clear communication is lost.
Sodalite: Encourages objectivity and new perspectives and brings about harmony between the conscious and unconscious minds. It helps you recognize and articulate your true feelings. It will show you The Pathway to move forward into a Life of Light-ness of Heart.
Affirmations: “I delight in my Self-expression and listen to acknowledge all creative pursuits.”
Third Eye Chakra: Allows us to perceive that which is not of this physical world--call them hunches or insights. This is the place where what truly matters is most apparent.
Amethyst: Beneficial, protective energy that imparts a calming influence if you feel swept away by intellectual or emotional turmoil.
Affirmation: “I trust my Self.”
Crown Chakra: Link to the Divine.
Clear Quartz: An “all purpose” crystal that helps amplify, focus, and transform energy to bring balance and harmony to any of the Chakras. It encourages the movement of Kundalini energy to bring about the realization of Spirit.
Affirmation: “I Am connected to the wisdom of The Universe.”