Wellness Therapies
wellness today…for a healthier tomorrow
Aqua Detox
Immerse yourself in our aqua detox treatments as an effective way of re-balancing, re-energizing and detoxifying the body. Ionic foot baths can enhance the immune system, eliminate unwanted toxicity from the body, and help relieve joint pain and stiffness. Three treatments are considered ideal to begin resetting your body. Once a month for maintenance.
Compression Boots
The lymphatic system is a closed system that relies on our body’s movement to cleanse it of toxins. Compression boots use compressed air to massage your legs, mimicking the natural muscle pump of the body to mobilize waste products and enhance lymphatic drainage. Benefits include improved circulation, enhanced lymphatic drainage, removal of waste products (including lactic acid), improved range of movement, and increased flexibility. For athletes it can decrease recovery time, allowing you to train even stronger.
GX-99 Subdermal Therapy
Ever wished you had that “baby skin” feeling back when you touched your skin? Tired of using multiple skin creams with little to no results? Let us improve your skin tone with just one session of our GX-99 Exfoliating Endermatic Body Treatment. This unique body treatment lets men and women relax while reducing cellulite, exfoliating the skin, reducing stress, clearing muscular congestion, and improving circulation.
Infrared Table
The infrared table at medica combines the power of amethyst, tourmaline, magnets, and infrared heat to melt away minor joint pain and stiffness, improve sleep, oxygenate tissue, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system. Consider adding a few minutes either before or after a massage session to maximize the benefits of your massage.
Zero Gravity Table
At medica, we offer a zero-gravity table to our clients. It works by elevating your feet to the same level as your heart. By doing so, we can take you to the point of weightlessness so that gravitational forces are not affecting the spine. In this position, you reverse many of the effects of gravity on your body by offsetting strain on your vertebrae, reducing muscle and joint pain dramatically.