Meet Beverly at the corner of Healthy and Well . . .

where a menu of wellness offerings leave you feeling revitalized, reenergized, and renewed.

  • Alchemy Tarot Reading

    Beverly’s one-hour combined Alchemy and Tarot Reading addresses a client's Spiritual Transformation. Readings are especially beneficial to those seeking direction for Spiritual growth or those seeking affirmations involving the progress of Spiritual Ascension.

    Only the Major Arcana cards are used as a visionary tool to relay information. The session may be recorded by client.

    If you are seeking more than one answer or have multiple life pathway questions, it is advised to schedule several one-hour sessions in tandem or secure a two-hour session through Beverly.

  • Beverly’s Healing – Once a Month

    Monthly healing sessions combine all the therapies Beverly uses to literally reset the Mind, the Body, and the Energetic BE-ing through modalities she has learned such as Gua Sha, Cupping, Meridian and Fascial work, Native American LaStone healing, and the use of Tesla plates with frequencies to clear the Chakra system of any negative aspects. This allows the Chakras to openly vortex.

    These sessions are highly recommended during any auspicious calendar dates such as New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipses, Equinoxes, Solstices, and Gateway Portal Openings such as the Lion's Gate.

    These sessions are highly recommended to all who desire a higher level of wellness through Ascension.

    Note: This session does not include any Shamanic or Reiki Master practices. If you are interested in these, we recommend Beverly’s Solstice|Equinox Session.

  • Beverly’s Solstice / Equinox Session

    Solstice / Equinox sessions help prepare our Body, Mind and Spirit for the next change of season.

    As a wellness practice, these sessions should take place as close as possible to each Solstice or Equinox event.

    These sessions differ from the monthly healing in that Beverly’s training as a Shaman of The Muyan Ki is heavily integrated into every aspect of the session.

    Favored add-ons are incorporated into an already healing massage. For example, hot bamboo stones melt away trigger points, hydrocollator therapy soothes fascial lines, Gua Sha strips away cortisol and adrenaline deposits, Chinese cupping moves lymphatic material through the back, facial massage releases tension that causes pre-mature aging, White Opium Oil enhances the aromatic neck and shoulder release, Ayurveda scalp massage promotes nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles, and most of all Beverly's Reiki Master and Shamanistic Energies are constantly present to uplift the complete Chakra system.

    You are not just receiving a massage session: YOU ARE RE-BORN.

  • Mind-Body Assessment

    Your body speaks what your mind is thinking. It does so in holding tension, losing tone, and becoming chronically fatigued in certain areas. Organs, as well as anatomical systems, are involved and directly influenced by your mind-body connection. Find out what your body is saying.

    During this session Beverly will assess what areas of your body and muscles are being restricted or congested by your emotional intelligence. Everyone can benefit from an awareness of your current state of wellness or dis-ease. This is the first step toward total wellness and sustained vitality and longevity.

  • Quantum Energy Healing

    Description The Quantum Energy healing massage session incorporates all that Beverly has learned over the past 30 years through the studies of massage therapy, hypnosis, ayurveda, alchemy, traditional Chinese medicine, Reiki mastership, and more.

    It also incorporates the healing knowledge Beverly accesses each year during the Lion's Gate.

    Quantum Healing offers the client an opportunity to clear negative patterns from their Mind and Body that can be attributed to dis-ease. This, in turn, elevates the natural healing power of their body and increases their vitality.

    Everyone can benefit from Quantum Energy healings, especially those seeking to take the steps towards wellness, vitality, and longevity.

    These sessions are conducted in silence to allow Beverly full access to the available quantum energies and the healing message that comes through for each client at the time of the session. You will receive a text message prior to your session which will solicit you to direct Beverly's attention to any wellness concerns you are experiencing. These can include not only physical manifestations, but emotional and spirit-based concerns too.

  • Reiki

    The Reiki energy sessions address all the major and minor Chakras to assist the body in healing.

    It is a session that balances the transference of Qi throughout the seven Chakras. This aids in balancing the physical body to the energetic Chakra. It is both calming and reparative to the Body, Mind and Spirit.

    All can benefit from Reiki, especially those who are seeking to find balance from within and align their energies to enhance a calm state and dispel dis-ease—the feeling of not being at ease or in harmony with yourself and your life.