The Power of Words—The Power of Affirmations
Approximate average reading time is 3 minutes.
The things we say to ourselves and the power those words have over us. Somewhere along the way we learn to think of ourselves and to describe ourselves in the negative. “I am shy.” “I’m not worthy.” “I’m not lovable.” “I’m not strong.” We might flip that around a little with thoughts like, “I never think of myself as shy.” Unfortunately, words like “no,” “not,” “never,” and “cannot” are still negative, and negative thoughts linger with us.
Negative statements wear us down little by little. Enter the power of affirmations. Deceptively simple, but they can change everything. Positive statements build us back up. At their best, affirmations are short positive statements written in the present tense that are personal to us. “I am outgoing.” “I am worthy.” “I am lovable.” “I love me.” “I am strong.” “I am confident.”
I first became familiar with affirmations years ago after a lengthy separation and divorce. By the end, I felt a little lost. To be honest, I felt picked clean. A skeleton. I started with the simplest affirmation statement: “I matter.” I wrote it on a post-it with a thick Sharpie, and I stuck it to my bulletin board (I worked remotely at the time). I sat down at my desk and started every morning with it. I would repeat it to myself a few times and move into my day. That post-it note was always there to remind me and over time, that simple affirmation statement became the framework from which I healed and fleshed out myself.
Affirmations statements are best absorbed in a tranquil meditative state. So, write your affirmation statements down. Memorize them and then repeat them to yourself several times in moments of quiet and calm. Internalize them.
Your voice is the most powerful in your life because you believe it. Furthermore, the power we have over ourselves is truly extraordinary. Use that power. Affirmations: such a simple yet powerful device that can be a remarkably effective way to improve self-worth and strengthen confidence in ourselves.