Experience the Solstice/Equinox Healings

Transition into a higher level of wellness and BE-ing by booking a Solstice/ Equinox Session with Beverly. As the seasons shift throughout the year — we need to shift our Bodies and our Minds with the energies of each passing and upcoming season.

Beverly’s healing and relaxing session clears your meridians, detoxifies your lymphatic system, and supports a sense of calmness. This is a vital part of maintaining a calm Mind and a healthy Body throughout each year.

In addition to this healing session, Beverly’s Reiki Master energy practices uplift the complete Chakra System throughout the session.

This healing session, includes all the following:

  • Hot Bamboo Stones or Cold Marble Stones (depending on the season)

  • Infrared Release or Cold Stone Release (depending on season)

  • Gua Sha

  • Chinese Cupping

  • Facial Massage/Reflexology

  • Aromatic White Opium Oil

  • Ayurveda Scalp Massage

You are not just receiving a massage --you are preparing your Mind and Body for the energies and days of the approaching season. You are letting go of what no longer serves you in the present season.

If you already have an appointment scheduled during these days of change, contact Beverly and she will upgrade your session to the Solstice/Equinox cleanse.

If you are interested in thriving in The Quantum Energies, your Life purpose on Earth, and navigating the day-to-day cycles we pass through, please join my Alchemy/Esoteric Group

Everything is balanced within the time made sacred by quiet reflection.
— Beverly Leopold

Healing Add-Ons