Nourish Your Body with My Favorite Green Juice

Welcome to my go-to green juice recipe. It is a simple, yet powerful, blend of fresh ingredients designed to energize your Body, support vitality, and refresh your Spirit. Packed with nutrients, this vibrant drink is a daily ritual that fuels my wellness journey.

Whether you are looking to boost your immune system, enhance digestion, or simply enjoy a delicious and revitalizing beverage, this recipe is a perfect addition to your routine.

Sip, savor, and feel the difference.


  • 4 stalks of celery

  • 1 seedless cucumber

  • 1 box of organic power greens (usually about 5 oz)

  • 4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • 2 cups of filtered water (add more if you want to adjust the

  • texture and taste)


  • Wash the celery, cucumber and power greens thoroughly

  • Chop the celery and cucumber into small pieces for easier blending.

  • Add all the ingredients and the water into a high=speed blender

  • Strain through a mesh sieve, or drink as-is for high fiber benefits

Alternative Tips:

  • Ginger Boost: Add 1/2 inch of fresh ginger for a zingy kick

  • Apple Sweetness: Blend in 1/2 green apple for natural sweetness

    Hydration Boost: Add a splash of coconut water instead of plain water.

    Enjoy your nutrient-packed, detoxifying green juice!

    *** If you like receiving free tips and hints about how to live your Life full of vitality and wellness — join my FREE Life Coaching Group. I leave fact-based information there every day

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